Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today Is Green Day, Green Means More Money In Your Pocket

Here are 8 things that can help you to keep more green in your pocket. As it helps you keep more green in your pocket, it also helps the earth by using less of it's resources. Cost you less every month as you pay for utilities.

Most of these are things that you can do to an existing home or a home that you are building.

1. Blown-in cellulose insulation - the fibers completely fill precisely framed cavities and smoothly connects with all sides of the cavity.
2. Make sure that the doors and windows do not have drafts from them.
3. High performing, low E windows reduce the heat transfer through the glass. It also protects against sun damage like fading of furniture, window treatments, floor coverings.
4. All duct work is sealed with mastic instead of duct tape that doesn't always seal effectively over time. The ducts can be tested with a "duct blaster " test.
5. Efficient furnaces and air conditioners should be installed ( need to be 80% minimum efficiency on the furnace. On air conditioners 13 SEER. Choose energy efficient appliances.
6. Save the rain water to conserve on water use in the garden to water the plants.
7. Low-flush toilets and low-flow shower heads. Help to save on the water usage.
8. Tankless water heater to save energy on heating the water and does not run out when it is use for more than one place or shower after shower. It heats the water as you need it not all day long when no one is even home.

The education of people on the things that are out there to help save your money and help the planet also. Have a good Green day. ( More green in your pocket.)

copyright Dan and Deanna Finlinson "Marketing Unscrambled"

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