Sunday, March 15, 2009

Problems And Solutions For A Beautiful Rose Garden

The first step is to know the problems. If you are aware of the possible issues then you can also take preventive steps to solve the problems. So take heart, read more articles like this one and you will know what to do for the problems when they come.

If you are aware of these problems then you are also armed with valuable knowledge. There are several solutions and remedies for such rose gardening problems.

Things to look out for are: rose fungus, rose rust, block spots on the rose leaves, mosaic disease. These are some of the bugs that like to bother the rose plants: aphids, bristly rose slugs, borers, fuller rose beetles, caterpillars, Japanese beetles, spider mites.

Fungus in the rose garden: This white, powdery mildew is deposited on the top and bottom of leaves and stems. It stunts the plants growth and ultimately kills the flowers and stems.
Solution: Prune off the affected areas. Then you can by something already made up or go to you own kitchen and get these things for an organic formula: * Mix 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in 2 quarts of water. Spray on the roses when you first see signs of this fungus. Spray it on them every two weeks after that.

Rust in the rose garden: This red or orange powder which appears on the underside of leaves and has the same detrimental effects as the fungus.
Solution: Remove and destroy all infected leaves. Avoid overhead watering ( use a soaker hose.)
Water early in the day so plants will dry out before nightfall. Avoid splashing water on the foliage. Spray infected area with sulfur. (You can get it at any gardening store.)

Black spot in the rose garden: This appears as tiny black spots on the leaves and the stems of the roses.
Solution: The foliage and canes must be pruned off and use this organic formula: * 15 tomato leaves, 2 small onions, 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol
Chop the tomato leaves and onions into very, very fine pieces, and steep in the alcohol overnight.
Apply to your rose bushes with a small, sponge-type paintbrush, hitting the tops and bottoms of all the leaves. Avoid water on the foliage.

Mosaic Disease in the rose garden: This appears like an intricate yellow-green mosaic pattern and is amongst the most deadly rose viruses that can affect your plants. Apparently, there is no viable treatment for this disease.

After pruning sterilize your tools before moving to another part of the plant that is not affected or to another plant. * Use a mixture of one part rubbing alcohol or chlorine bleach to 10 parts water. Soak the tools for several minutes before wiping them dry and moving on.

These are things that can be used before you have a problem with bugs, they are hard to get rid of after they are on the plants.
- Dust your roses, use a small hand-powered dusting machine if you have more than five bushes. The best time to dust roses is when the leaves are coming out in the spring and continue until growth stops in the fall. The best time is late in the evening when the air is still. The second best time is predawn. If it rains repeat the process immediately thereafter; in times of heavy dew, twice a week. With light dew and the hotter, drier weather of summer, once a week is enough.
- Give the roses a bath once a week with * 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap mixed with 2 gallons of warm water spray it on the roses.
- Put one or two garlic cloves among the roses to keep aphids and other pests away.
- In a blender chop up a *medium-sized onion and a quart of water. Pulverize, then strain off the liquid. Add 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap to the onion juice, then liberally apply to your rose bushes with a hand-held mist sprayer.
- Their are beneficial insects as well. Ladybugs are great if you have them in your garden. Praying Mantis are also good in the garden.

Have a very beautiful rose garden now that you know what to look for and what to do about the problems that you can have in the rose garden. ( * For more organic gardening tips, Jerry Baker America's Master Gardener at: . )

copyright Dan and Deanna Finlinson "Marketing Unscrambled"

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