Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Organic Rose Gardening, Beautiful And Healthy For Us And The Environment

Naturally grown roses are just as beautiful. They are safe, they are healthy, and they don't pollute your environment which is saying a lot! A yard full of organically grown roses, setting off the house that it encloses, aah, that is the home one dreams of coming back from work to . Don't you agree?

The first thing you need to do is to plan, plan, and plan. Start where you wish to see your roses grow, what colors and hues they must sport and envision what they will look like when they are fully grown. Evaluate the other colors in your garden or your window grow boxes, see the colors of the walls, the other flowers, ect.

Contrast works very well with roses. Brighter shades look nice in front of darker walls, and roses must set your walls or your house in sharp profile. Look at the beauty all around with your organic rose garden .

Organics are the ideal way in which to protect your loved ones, your domesticated pets, and even the environment from damaging chemicals. Roses are pretty, elegant, and real treasures to have around your house.

You like roses, you grow them organically-it is cheap and easy. The real secret of a successful organic rose garden is to know what to look for and how to deal with the problems that might come up in your rose garden. Once you understand this, then looking after your own organic rose garden will be a piece of cake.

Our grandparents knew how to use everyday items to create lush, abundant crops and flowers. Yet lawn and garden retailers would have you believe you need to buy expensive products. That is not true. These are a few of the things that you can use to help your rose garden grow better and more beautiful every year. Try these things:

* Try using "brown gold" some people call it compost. Use the throw-outs from your yard and garden to make the compost. Gather up your organic throw-outs ... weeds, overripe crops, grass clippings, kitchen scrapes,leaves. These things are great in the compost pile, cattail reeds, coffee grounds, corncob ashes, corn stalks and leaves, crabgrass-green, oak leaves, pine needles, ragweed, tea grounds, wood ashes. They add nitrogen, potash, phosphorus. You can also add old produce, sawdust, spoiled hay, manures ( not from cats or dogs, they can have diseases that can transfer to humans), chopped corncobs, chopped tobacco stalks, ground tree bark, cannery or winery wastes. Things not to use in the compost pile cooking fats, meat and fish. They cause odors, attract insects and varmints. This also slows down the decomposition of the pile. Usable compost in about 14 days.
* Use mulch to keep out weeds and keep the moisture in the ground so you do not have to water as much.
* Cut up banana peels let them dry out and bury them a few inches in the soil around your rose bushes.
* Avoid watering the foliage, use a soaker hose for watering the rose garden.
* Coffee and tea grounds mixed into the soil around the roses help to have big beautiful flowers.
* Some people also use horse pellets as easy-to-use fertilizer and soil additive, mix a handful into the soil when the first buds come on the plants.
* A good way to keep aphids away is to plant these two companion plants in the rose beds, garlic and parley between the plants.

These are but a few of the things that you can do to help your rose garden grow bigger, stronger, and healthy. If you listen carefully and keep your ears close to the ground, you'll hear the latest buzzword loud and clear: Organic Gardening. It is good for all of us.

Let us know what you have found that might help others with the rose garden that they are growing. Leave your comments.

copyright Dan and Deanna Finlinson "Marketing Unscrambled"

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