If you would like to grow your own food for your family this is a great place to learn. These are very good videos that can help you grow food for your family in a small space or in containers.
They are by Patti Moreno garden girl tv.
Adding fruit trees in your gardens.
Adding fruit to your garden.
Add a water pond to your yard for beauty and the plant that you can grow around it.
Enjoy the back yard garden and the food that can be grown their.
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Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
Hi Dan and Deanna.
I've always enjoyed going to Farmers Markets. There's nothing better than fresh fruit and veggies while helping community growers! Unfortunately, haven't been to one in quite some time. The Local Harvest site is an awesome way for our family to get back into that!
Thanks for sharing!
Many Blessings....
Roxanne and Hugo
Believe Achieve
Hello Hugo and Roxanne,
Thank you for visiting. The farmers markets are great, that site is good to let you know where to find the places close to you. Hope that you find one close to you. Enjoy.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
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