If you plant several types, and plant the seeds at weekly intervals. You are able to harvest continually throughout the season. Don't forget to thin out the seedling, do it when are small.
Keep in mind with these three that they will need to be staked so that they can climb up. Beans, peas, and cucumbers.
Add some hanging baskets to the mix and place in them things like dwarf cucumbers, peas, and cherry tomatoes into well drained hanging baskets.
If you have deeper containers plant carrots and choose a variety that is stump-rooted. Potatoes are another that can be placed into a deep container. Only plant one potato plant per pot, for best results.
Many herbs can be grown in containers such as: chives, basil, bay, marjoram, thyme, mint, parsley, and sage. These can easily be brought indoors when the weather turns colder.
Even some fruit can be grown in containers such as strawberries.
These plants still need a lot of sunlight. Do not put them in the shade of a covered deck. Use good potting soil. Water daily, in the morning so that they have water for the heat of the day.
For helping to keep things watered go to www.harrietcarter.com for the irrigation spikes.
This is a good container to use. www.agardenpatch.com The grow box can be used for post plants. Automatic feeding and watering. No weeding or digging.
For great tomatoes and strawberries try www.topsy tree.com
copyright Dan and Deanna Finlinson "Marketing Unscrambled"
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