We have gotten two awards from our good Friends
Hugo and Roxanne. You can visit their blog and see what it is all about. We thank them. This is our list of blog friends that we would like to honor with these awards. They are friends from both of our blogs.
Best blog award and A lovely blog award. They are now going to:
Susan@ Garden variety Susan does such a beautiful job of helping with the gardens and all the good information that she gives all the time.
Design happens Because you give us so many great ideas for the home inside and out. That is why we keep coming back to visit your blog, for the great ideas and it is fun.
Carolyn@Sweet home and garden Chicago The great ideas that Carolyn shows in her blog of gardening and other ideas. It is a pleasure to read her blog.
Christina@ Full house How she does what she does just amazes us. To have twin girl and triplet boys and all the fun that she has with her full house. The ideas for making her home beautiful and fun. You have to see it to believe it. Wonderful blog. She takes beautiful photos as well.
Ecologue For things that can help you to live green in your life.
Vanessa@ Urban Garden Casual For very good gardening ideas for the Urban setting this is a great blog to read and enjoy.
Roger@Kitchen gardeners international For even more ideas and helpful thing for the garden, this is a blog to enjoy.
Thanate@Nice home live If you are needing help with ideas for remodeling your home this is a great blog for ideas and tips to help you do that.
Lauren @ Material GirlsThis is a great place to learn about the decor in your home and how to bring it all together and look its best. From the pro's of decor to you on this great blog.
These are some of our favorite blogs from Marketing Unscrambled, we hope that you enjoy them as well.
Hugo and Roxanne @ Believe, Achieve Because you have a lovely blog that we enjoy reading. We send it back to you as well.
Hilary@positive letters It is ok if you can not do this we honor you. The meaning of what your blog is all about is why we honor you. They are positive letters to your mother in her remaining days to make them as happy as you can. For all the love and caring that you give to her with your letters. We thank you for them. So we share them with others.
Giovanna@imperfect action We love reading your blog. Thank you for all the help that you have given.
Peter@Car enthusiast online For all the great information that you give to us about car and the car industry.
Shaw@filling the missing link For helping us to see that we are not that different from each other, if you have come from Japan or from the US.
Jacques@ Creating wealth that lasts You help us get our duck in a row as to our financial health. Always good to read and learn from you.
Andrew@Help! My Business For the best help that we can get in helping our business to grow and have more fun on your TV video blog. It is always entertaining as well as what you teach.
The 147 Ways to market it To help you with marketing using Social Networking site.
Izzy@Izzy video To learn more about shooting video for what ever reason that you would like to use it. Business or for the fun of it.
This is more than 15 but we are doing two blogs. We hope that you enjoy them as much as we do.
Add the givers link to your post and give your 15 favorite blogs. We put why we like them so much as well as a link to them. You do not have to do that just a link to the person that you are giving the award to. Let them know in the comment area of the blog that you are giving the award to. This lets others know of the good sites that you have found that they might enjoy as well. It gives everyone more traffic as well. Enjoy the giving and the sharing.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"